Monday, November 4, 2013

We are finishing up Unit 1 this week and completing the Unit Assessment throughout this week.  It is a very long test and will take the week to do it in pieces.  Students have accomplished a lot throughout this unit and I am very pleased with their effort.  Progress has been made and they are really learning how to find meaning in text.

Each student is still expected to read approximately 20 min. each night.  Research shows that students in 4th grade should be reading a total of 2 hours each day to stay at grade level.  This includes reading in class, but to make up for other time they are missing, it is very important for them to read a bit at home.  As fifth graders, it is important for them to read, read, and read some more.  Try to help them find books that work for them and fit into their interest.  These are the books they will be using to complete their book recommendations and letters to me, which are required each quarter.  Take some time to discuss their books with them.  Students really enjoy telling me about their discussions with family members about their books.  Your enthusiasm for reading is vital to their success.  After all, you are their first and best teacher.

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