In English Language Arts, we will be using the Treasures series. This is the same book that was used throughout the primary and elementary grades. You will not be assigned a book because we use them mostly for the stories. If you are absent you can check out a book and return it the next day. I do have a link on this blog that has the vocabulary words that we will be using if you need help with them.
The district has decided to do the reading and writing workshop in each grade. I am extremely excited about this! We are going to find those "just right" books and get into "the zone" as we read and write around the room. Writing will be meaningful and we will create some amazing works. I sure hope you are ready for a fun, challenging, and exciting time as we venture through the doorway of our imaginations.
In ELA (English Language Arts) you will have two grades: one for reading and one for writing. Rooster Time will be a class that reinforces both of these grades and also your math grade. This is vital time to get work finished, improve your reading and writing skills, and also math skills.
Please familiarize yourself with this blog for any questions you may have. Many are answered through the blog. It does not need to be checked daily, but if you have any questions, please let it be the first place you go to get information. Email, which seems like a quicker way normally, takes a little longer because of our schedule. We have our plan time first thing in the morning, which means we do not have a break throughout the day until after school and duties are finished. If we have to scoot out of the school quickly we may not get back to you for at least 24 hours, until our next plan time. Please remember that we are structured different from what you are used to. We do have homerooms, but we also have close to 100 students to get to know and take care of their needs. Please be assured that we care about each one of them as individuals and want all of their needs to be met, so communication is vital for their success. It just may not happen as quickly as you were used to when they were in a self contained classroom with approximately 24 other students.