Highlights of Week 9/10-14
Monday (9/10) - New PKT, Vocab Strategy
Tuesday (9/11) - Spelling assigned
Wednesday (9/12) - Start Grammar
Thursday (9/13) - Finish Grammar, Scoring Guide for Brochure handed out
Friday (9/14) - 1/2 day, Check Vocab. and Spelling, Centers
Students will be creating a brochure about trees. We discussed this brochure on Monday and they were asked to think of a tree they would like to do research on and create a 3 fold brochure. The brochure will be discussed in Computer class and we will work on the computers next week during CA. Please help your child find a tree they would like to study. It can be any tree that grows anywhere, and of any size. This will be fun, and I can't wait to learn new information about trees. Students teach me new facts each year. Please look for their scoring guide on Thursday. I will also post it on the blog in case they lose it.
The (soft) due date, at this point, is Sept. 24. The reason for this date is because we have to make sure all plans go as planned. Monday - Library researching, Wed. - Computer lab creating the brochure, and Thursday - finishing brochure in computer lab. Students can research from home by searching in their search engine for their tree. They have been told to not use Wikipedia or ask.com, but to use .org, .edu. or .gov sites only. Scan the site for information, because it is nonfiction and should be easy to look through heading to find the information they need. They should fill in the information on the back of the scoring guide. Instruction has been given to them to use bullet points and to not write in complete sentences on the rough draft form. I will be looking for their rough draft information on Monday and Tuesday as they do their work.
Scoring Guide was given out on Thursday, September 13.
Name_____________________________________________________ HR_________________
Rough Draft Scoring Guide for Tree Brochure
Students will create a
brochure about a tree that was chosen in class. They are to research the
internet and/or an encyclopedia. Brochure rough drafts will be scored on
content. Final score is based on the writing process, pictures,
vocabulary and spelling words from this unit.
3 points
Plenty of information
2 points
Lacking information
1 point
Needs a lot of work
How do you identify
the tree?
What kind of leaf does
it have?
___shape,__ size, __color,
etc. __use descriptive words
Where does it grow?
__part of the world?
__type of forest?
How tall does tree
get? Compared to what (man, building, monument)?
What does the bark
look like? color, texture, etc.
What is tree used for
or purpose (furniture, building, etc)?
Used: __encyclopedia,
__internet, __books, __mag.
Final Brochure Scoring
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
6 Trait -
Idea & Content
Writing clearly states
what student means to say.
Focused and to the
Clear Wording
Fairly well focused
Few words don’t make
Topic is not clearly presented
Does not have a clear
6 Trait -
introduction to tree
__Middle (inside): interesting
& relevant info.
__Conclusion (back
flaps): wrap up of info. or overall importance of tree (like a summary)
Clear beginning,
middle, and strong conclusion
Organized with
Includes beginning,
middle and conclusion
Headings are not clear
Brochure wanders and
does not have a clear sense of structure.
Does not have a
6 Trait -
Voice – Encourage reader
to respond to the topic and demonstrate energy in writing
Voice is natural with
a good mix of facts & interesting words
Sounds more like
research, or uses too many facts
Voice is unnatural, or
mostly facts, no energy or enthusiasm for topic
Sounds like an
encyclopedia entry - boring
__includes 2 vocab.
words from this unit
__vocab words are
underlined with 1 line
__synonyms, or context
clues for vocab. are circled
All expectations met
3 expectations met
2 expectations met
__1 expectation met
__0 did not include
Spelling Words
__2 spelling words are
__words are underlined
with 2 lines
All expectations met
2 words and not
1 word included
and underlined
__1 word not
__0 Did not include
3 Pictures
__3 pictures
__pictures should be appropriate for the tree you
__pictures vary (not
all pict. of full tree)
3 pictures
nice effort & go
with topic
__2 pictures, or
__3 w/ little effort
__2 pictures are not
on topic or
__ 2 full tree pict.
__2 pictures with
little effort, or
__Pictures do not
match topic
__pict. all same
__1 picture
__0 Did not include
Vocab. Words: :1.____________________________ Spelling Words:
2. ____________________________ 2.
this side when gathering information on the tree you chose to make a brochure.
The tree you chose is
the ___________________________________________________
Decide which section of
the brochure you would like to create a drawing for your final copy.
How do you identify the
What kind of leaf does
it have? (shape, size, color, lobed,
serrated, etc.)
In what part
of the world, or climate, does the tree grow?
What type of forest? (Deciduous,
Coniferous, Rain Forest) and why does it grow there?
How tall does it get?
Compared to what? (make a comparison to an adult male, buildings, other trees,
etc. This would be a great place for a picture)
What does the bark look
like? (color, texture, thickness, etc.)
What is tree used for,
or purpose? Example: building material, furniture, decorations, supplies fruit,
you use: ____ Internet,
____Encyclopedia, ____Magazine, ____ Books